I live in South Cali and was wondering if there are any Southerners here that trail ride alot? I haven't done any trail riding yet and was thinking about getting into it? Sorry if this is in the wrong section.
Well I am new to all this so I haven't done any trail riding as of yet. I will look over that link you gave me. I don't hunt so my riding will be for fun mostly.
Get the Guide to Southern California Backroads & 4-Wheel Drive Trails by Charles A. Wells. There are 75 trails ranging from easy to difficult. Your best bet would be to do a Google for Southern California 4x4 or Jeep clubs and hook up with them. You seem to be new at this and hanging with a group is your best way to get started. There's more to hitting the trail than following a map. The first rule is never go alone and to have recovery straps, tools, food and water.
Thanks AZ for all the info so far. I am liking this forum already
I am still pondering the idea of being really into it. I've just been reading some trail runs here and seeing the pics and it looks fun. I need to get the most use out of my jeep some way and I think this is it.