My 1997 TJ is not a DD, He only gets driven once in a blue moon. But almost every time I do drive him I get a #43 code, if not multiple #43 codes. (If I drive over 20 miles that is) I also got one that says something about the A/C, but I do not have A/C. This all started last winter at about 35,000 miles. I have replaced EVERY thing, Distributor (including new rotor and cap), Plugs and Wires, Crank Shaft position sensor, Maps sensor, 02 sensors, Fuel Pump, Injectors (using matched grade 5.0 'stang 4 hole ones now), new fuel filters. I clear the code and it just keeps coming back. I do not hear/feel any misfires. I had it cleared at a shop also. I read on another Jeep forum that 1997 and 1998 4.0L were given a Bad/Weak batch of valve springs and that by changing them out solves the misfire code (#43) from being thrown. I figure, why not, it can't hurt, heck I have done/tried everything else !
