I've been a long time fan of wranglers. Even before I owned wranglers. My wife loves wranglers. That's why she's my wife. My first jeep was a 99 4 banger. Looked like this. Stock except for 31s and wheels.
It went through many alterations and ended up like this.
Bought my wife's jeep stock. And turned it into this.
The wife accepted a job position in Arkansas and I'm self employed. I knew I couldn't continue my line of work down there so I sold all my toys to move. My jeep, her jeep, my trailer, and my 06 cummins.
Then it fell through.

It went through many alterations and ended up like this.

Bought my wife's jeep stock. And turned it into this.

The wife accepted a job position in Arkansas and I'm self employed. I knew I couldn't continue my line of work down there so I sold all my toys to move. My jeep, her jeep, my trailer, and my 06 cummins.
Then it fell through.