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  1. J

    Spencers HID

    First, is his service: great support and really you can get a hold of him 24-7, 365. Second, you do not have to mail back broken goods just take a pic and shipped pretty quickly to your front door free of charge. Third, and most important QUALITY a lot better than the CHEAP Chinese made sold...
  2. J

    On Two Wheels!!

    :lol:HAHAHA the wife's expression is priceless, great pics!
  3. J

    Its funny...

    LoL its like buying wheels and then realizing everyone has them, huh?
  4. J

    Hello from NW Indiana

    Welcome to JeepMilitia!
  5. J

    Another turbo (Diesel) super noob

    Welcome JeepMiltia!
  6. J

    Another Noob

    Welcome I like the K5s!
  7. J

    Hows it going!? California member here

    Awesome! Welcome to the forum!
  8. J

    Dookey's junk.

    LoL, well at least we all know who the go to man is for any alteration to their Jeep is!
  9. J

    Hello from KCMO

    Who let this guy on?:rolleyes:
  10. J

    Hello from Oregon

    Welcome to Jeep Militia!
  11. J

    So how do you like the site so far?

    Looks good, quick too!
  12. J

    Welcome to

    Site looks awesome Shaggy! Well can already tell we are going to need more smileys lol :cool:

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