OK I have set back and read enough to now add my 2 cents in here.
I never look at lifting a vehicle just to get higher or for looks , I look at it as up grading the suspension system to handle better be it on roads or off on a trail somewhere. Using any type of spacer lift will in a short time destroy your front shocks. Been proven way too many times.
Best setup is either a full on Frankenlift or do OME springs mentioned above. You can get as much height out of springs, top plate and a small clevis lift as you can a Frankenlift. OME springs and if you can still find them Rancho shocks are a great deal. You can do a great lift for 750/800 bucks easy and it will last you for 100,000 miles. Ask me how I know!

Another thing with a spacer type lift, if you are doing it you have to have rear shocks, while you have the front apart you may as well replace the stock junk shocks as well, so now you have bought 4 shocks, the price you paid for that daystar will buy you two springs. Add the price of two more springs and a few other goodies and you have a full blown lift.
Ok the Rev. is done preaching for now, think it over tonight in your dreams